…our very own Janet Thomas and Kim Overaa. Congratulations and thanks to all the winners for everything that you do to make Lafayette the green community it is.
Sunday, April 24th from 11AM– 3PM, Lafayette Library & Learning Center
Presented by Sustainable Lafayette in conjunction with the Lafayette Chamber of Commerce, the Lafayette Library & Learning Center, and the City of Lafayette.
Explore this year’s theme of Act Local. Throughout the day, we all have opportunities to make better, more environmentally-friendly decisions. Think about the products you purchase, the transportation options, the lunches we pack for kids, the snacks we carry with us to parks and sporting events. Could you take one more step and bring your reusable shopping bags, walk or ride, carpool once a week or choose fruit that comes in its own organic wrapper (oranges, apples and bananas)? Sustainable Lafayette’s mission has always been to support activities that enhance the quality of life in Lafayette. Making even small changes in your daily decisions can have a huge impact.
Things you can do at Earth Day:
- create art with recycled materials at the LPIE Art booth.
- recycle old, used crayons with the Crayon Initiative.
- help preserve open space in Lafayette
- reduce food waste with White Pony Express
- learn about choosing renewable energy for your home with MCE
- request larger recycling and compost bins for your home with Republic Services.
- Daisies, Brownies and Juniors can earn their Girl Scout Global Action Award.
- practice bike skills at the Safe Moves bike rodeo at Stanley Middle School (9:30-11am).
- take a guided creek walk with the Lafayette Creeks Committee
Check out our suggestions for more ideas to get started!
Food vendors:
- IzzyA frozen custard ice cream
- Ebbett’s Good To Go food truck
- 333 Food Truck
Green Awards
The annual Lafayette Awards of Environmental Excellence, more commonly known as the Lafayette Green Awards, recognize outstanding efforts that contribute to a more sustainable community and help the City achieve its environmental goals. More info can be found on the City’s website here.

Varroa mites on honeybees (Prof Stephen Martin, University of Salford)
In a recent Washington Post article, Darryl Fears reports that “the global spread of a virus that deforms the wings of honeybees and kills them in droves was caused by humans.” and it’s been happening for centuries.
While Asian honeybees that were traded in the former Soviet Union had learned to fight the mite that deformed their wings, their European cousins were less successful at fending off the pests.
Add the increased human trade of bees to the mix and it became a global pandemic.
For more information, visit Lafayette Creeks.
How to Raise Your Own Chickens | SUN, FEB 14 & 28, 2016 | 1:00–3:30PM
Lafayette resident, “Papa John” Kiefer, will again be offering
workshops that will include raising young chicks, laying hen maintenance, and sustainable coop construction.
There will be two FREE workshops offered and these will be held in Lafayette from 1:00PM to 3:30PM.
- Sunday, February 14, 2016
- Sunday, February 28, 2016
Reservations are required | Contact: jhkiefer@comcast.net
The Lafayette Community Garden and Outdoor Learning Center invites you to
our 4th Annual Fall Harvest Celebration | Sunday, October 18
Please join us from 11AM to 3PM at the garden to share in the celebration!
Garden Tours | Games | Displays Refreshments
Music | Raffle | Native American Dwelling and Artifacts
Scarecrow and Apple Doll Making
Check out the UC Master Gardeners of Contra Costa County Plant Sale and Workshop.
The 2015 GET DRY Plant Sale and Workshop will be held September 26, 2015 at the corner of North Wiget Lane and Shadelands Drive in Walnut Creek.
For a free plant, Register!
Come for the final installation of Sustainable Lafayette‘s summer film series at the Lafayette Library & Learning Center on Tuesday, July 28th from 6:30p to 8:30PM in the Community Hall. Free snacks, cookies, coffee, and refreshments will be served. $10 donation requested. $5 for students.
“Just Eat It” – Tuesday, July 28th – 6:30pm
We all love food. As a society, we devour countless cooking shows, culinary magazines and foodie blogs. So how could we possibly be throwing nearly 50% of it in the trash?
Filmmakers and food lovers Jen and Grant dive into the issue of waste from farm, through retail, all the way to the back of their own fridge. After catching a glimpse of the billions of dollars of good food that is tossed each year in North America, they pledge to quit grocery shopping cold turkey and survive only on foods that would otherwise be thrown away. In a nation where one in 10 people is food insecure, the images they capture of squandered groceries are both shocking and strangely compelling. But as Grant’s addictive personality turns full tilt towards food rescue, the ‘thrill of the find’ has unexpected consequences.
Questions? kimoveraa@sustainablelafayette.org
You think Fourth of July Fireworks are a big deal. Well, we have three exciting events for you:
Monday, July 6 | 9:00–10:00AM
Join us for Bombastic! when we make seed balls for you to “bomb” and beautify areas that might need a little color. Guerrilla tactics were never so appealing.
Wednesday, July 8 | 9:00–10:00AM
Feel good about doing something for someone who would really appreciate some help. Come Pay It Forward with us and our partner, Give Together and plant a container garden to help ease the transition for families at SHELTER, Inc.
Saturday, July 11 | 1:00–2:00PM
Explore the sounds of the garden with the Lafayette Library during Music in the Garden. Stories, crafts and music all on offer at our favorite setting.
For the fifth year in a row, Sustainable Lafayette will be hosting a summer film series at the Lafayette Library & Learning Center featuring three recently released documentaries. These award-winning films will be shown on weekday evenings in June and July. See movie descriptions and event info below. All movies will run from 6:30p to 8:30p in the Community Hall.
Free snacks, cookies, coffee, and refreshments will be served at each movie and special guest speakers will be included when possible. $10 donation requested. $5 for students.
For more information, visit Sustainable Lafayette.